
According to 28 BDSG any commercial use or distribution of the data listed here is illegal.

Area of responsibility
This legal notice applies to the following web site:

The Web site is part of the World wide web, and also linked to external websites, which could change their contents. at any time with no prior notice, which consequently are not subject to our responsibility. The links that lead to external website will be identifiable as they open in a new window. These links have been carefully checked to ensure they are conforme to a decent morality and are entirely legal.

Service provider
Street Theatre 6
01067 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 320 250

Purpose of this website

Representation of Spectos as a company, and their services and products.

Editorial responsibility
Niels Delater, Ringo Großer
Street Theatre 6
01067 Dresden

Copyright and usage
The author specifically grants you the right to use to make a private copy for personal use. You are not entitled, however, to modify the materials and / or to forward it or publish it yourself.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the texts and illustrations are copyrighted by Niels Delater.

Privacy Policy
Personal data is only collected with your knowledge and consent. On application you will can receive free information about your stored personal data. To do so, please

The contents of this web project were checked carefully to our best knowledge. The information presented here makes no claims to completeness, timeliness, quality and accuracy. It cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by reliance on the contents of this site or its use.

If you suspect that this website infringes your rights, please notify us immediately by e-mail. Please note: Please note that the use of a lawyer will be an additional financial burden which will be taken as a sign of a lack of goodwill.


Konzeption, Kreation, Produktion

Mammitzsch & Rothäuser GbR

Borsbergstraße 14
01309 Dresden
Fon: +49 (0) 351 - 2 6666 10
Fax: +49 (0) 351 - 2 6666 08